Welcome to the ForRest
Welcome to the ForRestWelcome to the ForRestWelcome to the ForRest
Welcome to the ForRest
Welcome to the ForRestWelcome to the ForRestWelcome to the ForRest
The Forest is where we find medicine for living a life with deep meaning and wellbeing.
I am here to serve the plants, life's mysterious, sovereignty and wholeness
The Forest needs 5 things to grow: Air to transport the seed and awaken the dream: Earth to hold the seed and ground it into action: Darkness to rest the seed and integrate what we are learning; Water to nourish the seed and aliven our expression; and Fire to transform the seed into becoming our vision.
The ForRest works with these elements for personal growth with a deep understanding through the slowness of rest, is where we start to bloom. All offerings are curated experiences based on your intention.
Let's see if we are a great fit.
Traditional Uterine Massage
Herbal Reproductive Care
Postpartum Home Visits
Women's Gatherings
Birth support | Placenta Medicine
Herbal Medicines and preparations
Personal Exploration
Life Integration
Honeycomb 13 moons
Birth Keeper mentorship
Holistic Woman's Entrepreneurship
Corporate and Community firewalks
Women's Only Fire Dances
Extraordinary business team experiences
Glass walking
Board breaking
Arrow breaking
Hive visits
Reconnecting to our sacred relationship with the darkness is our gateway to a potent transformational experience. It’s a voyage of self discovery exploring who we are or could be .